Professional malpractice refers to negligence or misdeeds by many professionals such as doctors, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists, nurses’ architects, engineers. Professional misconduct seems to be a topic in daily …
The law on professional malpractice in UgandaSports can be defined as institutionalized competitive activity which involves two or more opponents and stresses physical exertion by serious competitors who represent or are part of formally organized associations. …
The law of sports and entertainment in UgandaFashion is literally defined to mean a popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration or behaviour. Fashion law can be defined as an amalgamation of various kinds of laws, viz, contract law, employment law, …
Fashion, Design and Entertainment Law in UgandaOrdinarily, a cryptocurrency is a digital currency. Crypto currencies are digital assets that are designed to effect electronic payments without the participation of a central authority or intermediary such as a Central …
Digital Money: the law of cryptocurrency and cryptography